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Natural Products

Natural Medicinal Methods Backed By Modern Medical Science

Natural medicines are those substances and preparations are those sourced from plants, animals, and minerals, and generally don’t include any genetically modified materials, fermented substances, or chemically modified substances. At ClinChoice, we have extensive expertise in managing the application system for using natural medicines, including:


  • Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
  • Indian Buddhist medicine
  • Islamic medicine
  • European traditional herbal medicine
  • South American ethnic medicine
  • African ethnic medicine

Comprehensive Support for TCM Studies

TCM has been integral to Chinese culture for more than 5,000 years and has wide acceptance among the general population as both therapeutic agents and natural supplements. Considered an essential component of traditional Chinese culture, TCM has recently experienced a renaissance that reflects China’s rise in economic power and political influence. Recently, the Chinese central government has made efforts to identify affordable care to improve overall health status’ without overburdening the Chinese healthcare system.