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Site Management Organization (SMO)

Full-Service SMO Solutions for a Variety of Study Areas


ClinChoice supports clinical trials through the placement of highly trained Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) at each research site dedicated to a specific protocol. CRCs are delegated by PI and mainly support investigators on non-medical-evaluating related study activities during the conduct of a clinical trial. CRCs are especially critical in China, as investigators are typically occupied by routine clinical work. But, the shortage of human resources there can’t be easily resolved due to limitations for most public hospitals in the country. Our experienced research coordinators offer diverse capabilities to ensure each trial is conducted with the highest standards of quality and ethics.

ClinChoice has provided full-service SMO solutions for more than 230 clinical studies, cooperated with more than 450 sites, and managed 60,000 subjects.

SMO Solutions for a Variety of Study Areas

We help investigators review source documents to improve accuracy, completeness, and standardization.

  • Oncology
  • Endocrinology
  • Respiration
  • Neurology
  • Cardiology
  • Immunology
  • Infection
  • Ophthalmology